How far long: 29w 5d
Kisses for baby M |
Size of baby: Butternut Squash 17in 3.1lbs
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think maybe 7lbs but I will find out or sure next Wednesday.
Maternity Clothes: Definitely. I'm going to have to go shopping to get some more tops to get me through the next couple months. Darn.
Gender: a BOY!
Movement: Baby boy moves so much! His movements are usually pretty low, sometimes I think he is trying to make a break for it!
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well lately. I started taking a nice hot relaxing bath before bed and that's helped in the sleep department.
What I miss: I still miss being able to put my socks/pants on without feeling searing pain. And being able to roll over in bed without feeling like my body is ripping in half. That's fun.
Cravings: I don't really have many cravings. I do however love the fruit Popsicles that Meijer sells. here is always a box in our fridge.
Symptoms: back pain and what I am diagnosing as SPD. I went to the chiropractor this week and he asked me "what the hell I did to my pelvis". To which my answer was "Nothing! Walk?!" He popped everything back into place and it seems to be helping. I will definitely be going once a week until this baby comes though! And probably make a pit stop on the way home from the hospital to get everything realigned.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting our maternity pictures taken next weekend! We never did pictures when I was pregnant with Ellie so I am super excited.
Best Moment this week: There will a lot of great things this past week. My sisters and my mom threw me a "sprinkle" for baby M and we got so many adorable outfits! It was so nice spending time with family and seeing all the love that they have for baby M already. And I got my ju ju be diaper bag! My sisters and I went to buy buy baby and bought our stroller, I think Mike was more excited about that than I was. He put it together the second that Ellie went to bed. And Ellie spent the next two days playing with it in our living room. She was so excited!
What Ellie's been up to: She has been super snuggly. If I am sitting on the couch she comes over and wants to "lay on mama". She has to be sitting next to me. She has even done it a few times when Mike is home and usually she always blows me off for him! I wonder if she has a sixth sense that something is about to change?!?
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