Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm so excited...

And I just can't hide it...

Yesterday was quite the exciting day!

Ellie and I went to a post-partum group in the morning, I SO wish that I had gone about 3 months ago. It was so great to know that I'm not the only one who has ever felt overwhelmed or like they are losing their mind! It was nice to meet other moms too because sometimes I feel so alone. I don't really have anyone that I hang out with that has a baby so it's nice to meet people that are in the same stage of life as me. I'm really going to try to put myself out there and meet new people. eeek...

Last night I went to a couponing class that a local woman taught. She has this amazing blog for deals in our area. It is so nice to be able to go to one place and see what deals are going on. The class was great. I am seriously obsessed and want to go to the grocery store every day and get lots of stuff for free. I think I may have a little problem with spending???? Don't ask my husband! Ha!

 ...But the best news of all is...

I joined the gym! After 6 months of begging pleading crying asking Mike let me sign up to this amazing gym. I am so excited. Annnnnnnd they have daycare. Helloooooo to a free mommy minute! They have classes and a pool and a spa and personal trainers and and and and and...I am just so excited. I am going tomorrow afternoon. I really hope that this lifts my mood, confidence, energy level, and gets me back on track with eating healthy. I don't know about you, but my worst time of day is when E goes to bed. Because by then I've realized that I haven't really ate all day and am starving and end up eating the easiest fastest, normally super unhealthy, thing. So it's time to start planning ahead. I am going to write down a schedule for both E and I for the day and try to stick with it. And start making my meals for the next day the night before so I can just heat them up.

What is your advice for conquering the baby weight and getting off the crazy cycle of eating crappy unhealthy food?

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